World's Largest Selection of Designer Fabric & Wallpaper

Great Plains Fabric

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Great Plains Fabric

Great Plains Fabrics.


Great Plains fabrics are known for their quality and sophistication, as reflected in the classic colors and rich textures that characterize many of their collections. The carefully woven fibers and meticulously selected color palette on each fabric echo an amazing attention to detail and a refined style that effectively combines the classic and the newfangled. Available in an extensive range of colors, textures, and patterns, these fabrics are used widely in interior design, whether in window sheer applications or in upholstery. A division of Holly Hunt, this company specializes in fabrics which are endowed with rich textures and even richer quality, making them an excellent choice for indoor upholstery use. The fabric color selections range from the basic, deeper hues of auburn, burnt orange, and deep raspberry to the lighter shades of ivory, white, ecru, or blue gray. Patterns range from the classic to the more exotic and with more than 900 fabric selections to choose from – all in various shades, textures, and patterns – there is always a style at Great Plains that meets any interior decorating theme.